A diary of minor adventures

This is a jog through things we have done while in the UK. It is for friends and family who may give a damn about what we get up to.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

wet water 12/09

The morning after I finished November's blog entry, We went out for a morning stroll to find the results of recent heavy rains. Flooding of the Wetherby Ings and the town's car park is not uncommon, we get it about once or twice a year. Global wetting I guess, but it is always spectacular to see it. Spectacular because we are high up and out of any risk. Houses on the Wharfe River banks see their yards and sometimes their ground floors flooded.. These two fish usually sit proudly about 3 meters above the water . . . . . . . .The bandstand downstream from the bridge is about 20 meters back up from the river bank usually. There are picnic benches and tables, all here under about a meter of fast flowing water. All the resident ducks have moved on. The Wetherby weir on normal days has a drop of about two meters, here it is just creating a small disturbance as the water is dammed trying to flow under the bridge just down stream. In the foreground is all the flotsam from the banks of the river, stopped by a huge tree trunk now resting against the bridge. You can see the tree in the magazine pages at the end of the November blog. It had been slowly moving down the river for a few months, first stuck on top of the weir, then it fell over the weir and got stuck again, now it is jambed under the bridge. A journey of about six months. All very interesting, don't you wish the rivers of NSW flowed like this!